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Arpan Dhatt / About

I'm Arpan, an Embedded Software and Prototyping Engineer at Apple. I occasionally post to this website (it's been three years and probably will be a few more until I do). If I did, it would happen to be CS-focused or at least CS-related. I spent a lot of time years ago making micro-optimizations to this site to make it easier on the eyes. Ironically, I put much less effort into actually writing anything for it.

But anyways, I've dipped my toes in many fields of computer science and engineering. During high school I explored game development with Unity and C#, machine learning with Python, and iOS development with Swift. In college I started liking computer architecture and all things close-to-the-metal (GPU shaders, optimization, embedded software), tried machine learning again and remembered why I stopped before (curse you RL). I currently focus mostly on my job and finding a place to live.

Outside of academics, I casually play Ultimate Frisbee® and Bowl (PR 163; 1 turkey to my name). I'm not particularly good at either, relatively speaking, but that doesn't stop me from having fun.

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